Outstanding Coach of the Year Nominee Says It All Begins with Love

“He truly understands how to reach the heart of his athletes.”  Those powerful words were just part of the Outstanding Coach of the Year nomination for Nicholas Lincoln, football coach at Delaware Military Academy in Wilmington, Delaware.  The nomination also noted that under Nicholas’ coaching, the team’s GPA significantly improved.  They reached the state semifinals in his first year of coaching (when the team had never before won a playoff game) and he also helped create a culture of trust and good sportsmanship.  We followed up with this veteran coach who shared these insights.

  1. What common traits have you seen among your best teams? 

The common traits among the best teams I’ve coached were perseverance in our young men and a dedication and priority in relationships from our coaches. Championship teams are led by players, they hold each other accountable and set the temperature of every room they enter.


  1. What foundational step is most critical when building a great team? 

The foundational step to building a championship team is love. Players need to feel valued and listened to by their coaches in order to be pushed to their limits. Love is sacrifice, and we are asking a generation of young people with every possible excuse not to commit to team sports to put on a helmet in the summertime and run gassers, only to be one part of a whole. Young people want to be heard and respected, my best teams had a voice and were met with tough love at all turns.


  1. Why do you personally believe that Sport Fuels Life? 

Sport fuels life because it is a guaranteed opportunity to meet people with a variety of backgrounds, put aside your differences, and commit to a common goal of excellence. Sport is therapy for athletes and coaches alike, it’s the ultimate ability to breathe, release, and recenter.


  1. What is the greatest piece of advice you have ever been given? Who gave you this advice and what did it mean to you at the time you received it?

The CEO and founder of ODAAP, Open Door Abuse Awareness and Prevention, Mrs. Valencia Peterson, has been a mentor. She was my community coordinator in all my programs. She told me to focus on relationships, to show love to my players at all times, and get to know their past, including any trauma. This piece of advice was instrumental.

    1. Imagine you’re speaking to a crowd of 10,000 coaches and athletes. Do you have any words of wisdom to help their team/players excel? 

    We would first do a small box breathing exercise--5 second breath, 5 second hold, 5 second release, 5 second hold, and repeat. After a few repetitions, the speech would be about locking into the moment they’re in, only focusing on the now, appreciating all aspects of the process, and embracing all the beautiful steps it takes to get to your ultimate goal. 

    1. What goals do you have your eyes on next and how do you keep pushing yourself? 

    Eventually, I have the desire to coach collegiately. However, I’m not in a rush and there is nothing like the influence and impact in high school athletics. 

    1. Please share a story of how sports have positively impacted your life.

    I’ve personally learned so much from the young people I was entrusted with throughout my 15 years coaching football; it’s hard to pinpoint just one moment. Watching the seed you plant at a young age blossom into the fruit of adulthood is one of the best aspects of coaching. As our young men become college graduates, contributing members of society, and, most importantly, fathers with their own children, the grind of coaching is well worth it.

A Conversation with Outstanding Coach and Professional Soccer Player Jordan Clark: Common Goals, Miracle Outcomes, and the Magic of Sports

Jordan Clark, who coaches tennis at ThunderRidge High School in Highlands Ranch, CO, is one of our Outstanding Coaches of The Year nominees.  She also happens to be a professional soccer player in Europe. Here are highlights from our conversation with this elite athlete and coach.


On what makes teams great:

The best trait that I’ve seen great teams characterize is cohesion and a sense of togetherness. When a group of individuals can really come together and embody the true sense of what it is to be a team, incredible feats happen. Getting a group of individuals to find a genuine sense of purpose in working towards a common goal can be at best, tricky and difficult to attain, but is something that I believe should be priority one for any coach or manager of any team. 


I think that the most critical foundational step in setting up a great team is creating a welcoming, inclusive, and positive environment. Every member of a team is a human being and humans are social animals. The more that you can create an environment that is genuinely “family” oriented, the more that you are going to get the best from each member of that team.


On how sport fuels life:


I believe that sport fuels life because it represents many facets of life. In sport, one must face competition, challenges, hardships, successes, and defeats all while working with and against a wide array of personalities. Sport fosters incredible emotional and social skills such as respect, discipline, dedication, perseverance, leadership, teamwork, and more. Sport allows us to acquire these skills while learning, growing, exercising, and doing one of the most under-appreciated and important things for our nervous system and brains--playing. Sport transcends being just a game by fueling passion and community. It can unite nations and foster peace in times of turmoil. Sport encompasses the peaks and valleys and twists and turns of the human experience. 


On how sport fuels my life:


Sport has positively impacted my life by helping me acquire some of the most important skills that are necessary for succeeding in life, connecting me with some of the most amazing people I would have never otherwise have come across, and has allowed me to live out my life’s dream. Sport is more than just a part of life for me, it is a way of life.


On realizing your dreams:


One of the most powerful pieces of advice that I received was from a good friend of mine. That advice was to not give up on pursuing my dream, that it was possible, and that all I needed was to make that one connection that could lead to a real shot. My journey is unique to that of most professional athletes in that I didn’t get my real break until I was in my thirties. 


Between my age and not being able to see the path ahead of me, I was contemplating retiring from the attempt. The encouragement I received was the spark I needed to fuel my fire to really go after my goal. From there, I started just taking things step by step and working as hard as I could to keep inching my way closer to my dream. Now here I am, realizing my dream in Spain, playing in a top league with some of the top players in the world. 


If I were speaking in front of a crowd of coaches and athletes, I would advise them to never give in to the impossible, the unlikely, or the can’t. No matter how stacked the odds are against you, you must find a way to face those odds knowing that you can beat them. Miracle outcomes don’t come from teams that don’t fight for the impossible.


Playing it Forward with Second Serve

One of the tenets of Sport Fuels Life is to “play it forward”. We encourage initiatives that support the positivity and potential of athletics. We were delighted recently to supply tee shirts to Second Serve, a youth-run, non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of underprivileged kids who love tennis by providing the equipment they need. This contribution was spearheaded by tennis standout and National Director of Volunteer Services for Second Serve Bryson Langford (pictured here).


“I got involved with Second Serve because sports have always been a positive experience for me.” said Bryson. “I want to share that positivity, especially with those who need a boost.

Thanks to Sport Fuels Life for helping to make a difference.”


A rising high school senior in Kansas who has already committed to Davidson College to play tennis, Bryson has received a great deal of recognition for her tennis prowess and for her philanthropic work. In 2021, she received the Stephanie Waterman Foundation Award for Community Service. Well done, Bryson and Second Serve!


If you have other stories about how you or others in the Sport Fuels Life community are making a difference in the world of athletics, please send us a brief summary and photo.